Sunday, June 30, 2013

Planet X Nibiru Secrets Found In Sumerian Mythology

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Planet X Nibiru Secrets Found In Sumerian Mythology

(ALTHeadlines) Planet X Nibiru, the mysterious large planetary object that some people believe will either collide or have a near miss with Earth when it returns on an orbit that takes it thousands of years to complete. The name "Nibiru" was brought to world's attention from the writings of ancient astronaut theorist Zecharia Sitchin and his famous interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology and symbology. Based on Sitchin's interpretations of Sumerian mythology, Sitchin wrote that Nibiru was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki. He also believed that these same beings were called The Nephilim (race of giants) in the Book of Genesis, which evolved after the Anunnaki first arrived on Earth after Nibiru passed near by our solar system on one of the many 3,600 orbital cycles.

Anne’s Picture of the Day: The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

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Anne’s Picture of the Day: The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

read more at Anne’s Astronomy News June 30, 2013
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, a dark globule within IC 1396 Image Credit: Lóránd Fényes, Best Newcomer in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012 Competition
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A) is an elongated dark globule of more than 20 light-years long within the much larger (over 100 light-years across) emission nebula IC 1396 which is located about 2,400 light-years away in the northern constellation of Cepheus (named after the King of Aethiopia in Greek mythology). It was given this name as it resembles the head and trunk of an elephant.
The globule is a condensation of dense gas and dust that is being compressed by the intense radiation and stellar winds from the very bright, massive star HD 206267. The compression of the gas in the globule is triggering the formation of stars within it.
The stellar winds from the massive star are also responsible for sculpting and eroding the filaments of the globule. These winds produce a dense circular rim making up the “head” of the globule and a swept-back tail of gas.

Found: Martians-Constructed Pavements

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Found: Martians-Constructed Pavements

Mars rover Curiosity imaged the following cross-bedding (notes 1, 2) at Shaler on Sol 307 and Sol 120. However, the cross-bedding looks more like flat, thin, and smooth pavements constructed by Martians: Image sources: Note 1: Wikipedia article on cross-bedding Note 2: NASA’s press release Read more at Added on June 30: High resolution images of “cross-beds” at Shaler

Found: Man-Made Pavements on Mars.

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Found: Man-Made Pavements on Mars.

Mars rover Curiosity imaged the following cross-bedding (notes 1, 2) at Shaler on Sol 307 and Sol 120. However, the cross-bedding looks more like flat, thin, and smooth pavements constructed by Martians: Image sources: Note 1: Wikipedia article on cross-bedding Note 2: NASA’s press release Read more at

Found: Man-Made Pavements on Mars

Mars rover Curiosity’s navigation camera imaged the following cross-bedding (notes 1, 2) at Shaler on Sol 307. However, the cross-bedding looks like flat, thin, and smooth pavements constructed by Martians: Image source: Note 1: Wikipedia article on cross-bedding Note 2: NASA’s press release Read more at

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is Nibiru? Quick Look At This Mysterious Planet

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What is Nibiru? Quick Look At This Mysterious Planet

(ALTHeadlines) Nibiru is the name given to a mysterious distant planet in our solar system, that has a 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Author Zecheria Sitchin hypothesized the existence of Nibiru after studying translations of ancient Sumerian writings from 6,000 years ago. Sitchin’s theory is that Nibiru once collided with a planet that had previously been on an orbital path between Mars and Jupiter, and that this collision created Earth, the Moon, and the asteroid belt. Also called planet x, this planet could also cause massive issues just from proximity by creating a magnetic polar shift.

Voyager Will Leave Solar System Any Day Now

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Voyager Will Leave Solar System Any Day Now

"It could be any day, but it could also be several more years." Ed Stone cannot say when the Voyager-1 spacecraft will leave the Solar System, but he believes the moment is close. The latest data from this extraordinary probe, reported in this week's Science journal, suggests it is surfing right on the very edge of our Sun's domain. The particles streaming away from our star have reduced to a trickle at its present location, 18.5 billion km from Earth. Particles flying towards it from interstellar space, by contrast, have jumped markedly in the past year.

No, This Image Was Not Taken from the Space Station, But it Sure Looks Like It

The Moon sets above the Continental Divide in Colorado from 86,000 feet. Taken June 27, 2013 on a meteorological balloon launched from Boulder, Colorado. Credit and copyright: Patrick Cullis.
I love those images taken from the International Space Station that show the Moon rising or setting above Earth’s limb, and when I first saw this image posted on Universe Today’s Flickr Group page, I thought someone had randomly posted one of those images taken by an astronaut on the ISS. But then I saw it was taken by Patrick Cullis, one of our “regulars” in our featured astrophotography posts.

Astronomical phenomena July 2013

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Astronomical phenomena July 2013 As an important event in this period, Mercury will be at greatest elongation to the delight of amateur astronomers who can photograph the planet easier on July 30, but also the Mars Jupiter conjunction on July 22.
This calendar will be modified with events which will appear in time, such as evolving asteroids or other objects in the sky.
Here's how it looks: 03 july 2013 Venus-Star cluster Beehive: 0.1°N at 17:26. 05 july 2013- Earth at Aphelion . Earth reaches the furthest point to the Sun at 20:59. 07 july 2013 - Moon at the Apogee.

Solar watch: Earth hit by back to back geomagnetic storms

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Solar watch: Earth hit by back to back geomagnetic storms

June 29, 2013 – SPACE – EARTH-DIRECTED CME: When the current spate of geomagnetic storms is over, another could follow close on its heels. A coronal mass ejection (CME), pictured below, is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field late on June 30th or early on July 31st. The cloud was propelled in our direction during the early hours of June 28th when magnetic filaments around sunspot AR1777 erupted. The explosion registered approximately C4 on the Richter Scale of Solar Flares.

Alien Planet Hunt To Get Help From Proxima Centauri Star Alignment

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Alien Planet Hunt To Get Help From Proxima Centauri Star Alignment

The stars will align for planet hunters twice in the next three years, allowing them to probe the nearest star to our own solar system for Earth-size alien worlds. Proxima Centauri, which lies just 4.24 light-years from Earth, will pass in front of background stars in both October 2014 and February 2016. Astronomers should scrutinize Proxima during these two periods, looking for subtle light shifts that could reveal the presence of close-orbiting planets, a new study reports. This wide-field view of the sky around the bright star Alpha Centauri was created from photographic images forming part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2 "This is an opportunity to determine the mass of Proxima, and also detect planets up to 4 AU [astronomical units] around Proxima Centauri," Kailash Sahu, an astronomer with the Space Science Telescope Institute in Baltimore, Md., told reporters today (June 3) at the 222nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Indianapolis.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Nibiru Weather Wobble Hits Mexico, 7 ft Hail, Whirlwind, Landslides in 1 Day

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Nibiru Weather Wobble Hits Mexico, 7 ft Hail, Whirlwind, Landslides in 1 Day

At last, people are sitting up and taking notice of the dramatic effect Nibiru (Planet X) and the extreme Earth Wobble (not climate change) has on world weather. Sudden storms - unexpected, out of season, in unheard of numbers, and in unusual places - are now part of our "new normal" weather. View slideshow: Can you hear me now? Nibiru (Planet X) is in the solar system, creating havoc on world weather Nibiru Weather Wobble Hits Mexico, 7 ft Hail, Whirlwind, Landslides in 1 Day A perfect example of bizarre weather events took place in Hildago, Mexico.

More of those weird ‘bubbles’ seen by Curiosity rover

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More of those weird ‘bubbles’ seen by Curiosity rover

n/a As Curiosity starts moving towards Mount Sharp again, a few more of those odd “bubble” features have been seen. The most obvious ones are oval-shaped, with raised rims, and appear to be a bit larger than some... n/a

Thursday, June 27, 2013

LIVE STREAM: New IRIS Solar Telescope, Which Will Help Keep Track of Solar Flares, Launches Tonight

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LIVE STREAM: New IRIS Solar Telescope, Which Will Help Keep Track of Solar Flares, Launches Tonight

Free live streaming by Ustream Artist's concept of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) satellite in orbit. (NASA)

Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'Solar Bubble'

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Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'Solar Bubble'

Data from Voyager 1, now more than 11 billion miles from the sun, suggest the spacecraft is closer to becoming the first human-made object to reach interstellar space. This artist's concept shows NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft exploring a region called the "depletion region" or "magnetic highway" at the outer limits of our heliosphere, the bubble the sun blows around itself. In this region, the magnetic field lines generated by our sun (yellow arcs) are piling up and intensifying and low-energy charged particles that are accelerated in the heliosphere's turbulent outer later (green dots) have disappeared. Scientists think the depletion region is the last region Voyager 1 has to cross before reaching interstellar space, which is the space between stars, Voyager 1 passed a shockwave known as the termination shock in 2004, where solar wind suddenly slowed down and became turbulent.

NASA Thruster Achieves World-Record 5+ Years of Operation

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NASA Thruster Achieves World-Record 5+ Years of Operation

A NASA advanced ion propulsion engine has successfully operated for more than 48,000 hours, or 5 and a half years, making it the longest test duration of any type of space propulsion system demonstration project ever. The thruster was developed under NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) Project at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. Glenn manufactured the test engine's core ionization chamber. Aerojet Rocketdyne of Sacramento, Calif., designed and built the ion acceleration assembly.

Comment on Weird ‘peeling paint’, globules, pits, veins and more ‘bubbles’ – latest images from Curiosity by More of those weird 'bubbles' seen by Curiosity rover

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Comment on Weird ‘peeling paint’, globules, pits, veins and more ‘bubbles’ – latest images from Curiosity by More of those weird 'bubbles' seen by Curiosity rover

[...] feature, not seen by other rovers or landers before. The previously reported bubbles can be seen here, [...]

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nibiru & Apocalypse Signs: Bleeding Trees, Fishkills, Sinkholes, Red Water, More Evidence

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Nibiru & Apocalypse Signs: Bleeding Trees, Fishkills, Sinkholes, Red Water, More Evidence

Where are we today with regard to signs of the coming Apocalypse caused by Nibiru (Planet X) in the solar system? According to The Ezra-Apocalypse, signs of the approaching Apocalypse include bleeding trees, the sea casting forth its fish, and the stone (hail) uttering its voice. Add to the mix fish kills, animal dieoffs, and the earth opening (sinkholes and gigantic cracks), and it would seem we are well on our way. Slideshow/nibiru-planet-x-and-the-ezra-apocalypse?

4.6 Billion Year Old Space Rock Found In Farmer's Field (Video)

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4.6 Billion Year Old Space Rock Found In Farmer's Field (Video)

Farmers expect to reap what they sow. So it was quite a surprise when Bruce Lilienthal found a meteorite half-buried in a field on his farm in Minnesota's Sibley County, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. "We've done enough tests to be sure it's a meteorite," Dr. Calvin Alexander, a meteorite expert and professor of earth sciences at the University of Minnesota, told the Star Tribune.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Astronaut View of Colorado Fires

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The Astronaut View of Colorado Fires

The Consequences of Beetle Kill, Drought, and Climate Change
Look at this picture for a while. It shows a complex of fires going on southwest of where I live.
Plumes of smoke belie the existence of massive forest and wildfires in southwestern Colorado. Courtesy NASA.
These thick plumes are the last gasps of dead trees and drought-ridden vegetation that only needed one strike of lightning to get started. This is what the fires look like from space.

Three ‘super-Earth’ planets discovered orbiting in habitable zone of nearby star

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Three ‘super-Earth’ planets discovered orbiting in habitable zone of nearby star

n/a There is some exciting news today regarding exoplanets – for the first time, multiple planets have been found orbiting within the habitable zone of their star, the region where temperatures can allow liquid water to exist on planets with... n/a

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

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NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

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NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

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NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

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NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

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NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

Ten Thousandth Near-Earth Object Discovered in Space

More than 10,000 asteroids and comets that can pass near Earth have now been discovered. The 10,000th near-Earth object, asteroid 2013 MZ5, was first detected on the night of June 18, 2013, by the Pan-STARRS-1 telescope, located on the 10,000-foot (3,000-meter) summit of the Haleakala crater on Maui. Managed by the University of Hawaii, the PanSTARRS survey receives NASA funding. Asteroid 2013 MZ5 as seen by the University of Hawaii's PanSTARR-1 telescope.

Breaking News: New Cluster of 'Super Earths' Discovered Orbiting Nearby Star Could in Theory Support Life

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Breaking News: New Cluster of 'Super Earths' Discovered Orbiting Nearby Star Could in Theory Support Life

Published June 25, Astronomers discovered a solar system packed of planets, three of which are habitable, using new observations and existing data of the Gliese 667C star. The star is orbited between five and seven planets and is part of a triple star system known as Gliese 667. "We identified three strong signals in the star before, but it was possible that smaller planets were hidden in the data" said Guillem Anglada-Escudé of the University of Göttingen who led the study. An artist's impression of the view from the exoplanet Gliese 667Cd looking towards the planets parent star (Gliese 667C).

Russians Want 'Satan' Missile Shield to Save Us From Asteroids

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Russians Want 'Satan' Missile Shield to Save Us From Asteroids

An old ballistic missile system should be modified to defend Earth from asteroids, a Russian scientist says, citing a major explosion over the Urals earlier this year. The Soviet-era SS-18 "Satan" heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles are ideal for conversion into a rapid-reaction anti-asteroid system, said senior rocket researcher Sabit Saitgarayev over the weekend. A Department of Defense image of an SS-9 ICBM missile, one of a family of missiles designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War and given the name "Satan" by NATO. (Wikipedia) Saitgarayev of the State Rocket Design Center pointed to the destructive power of the meteor which burst over the Russian Ural Mountains on February 15.

Aliens And The Vatican 2013

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Aliens And The Vatican 2013

Does the Bible Support the Big Bang Theory? (Video) Rev. Robert Richardson on whether science and religion can find agreement on major issues [ Rev Robert Richardson - Senior Pastor of Interbay Open Bible Church ] watch Fox-News video Does the Bible Support the Big Bang Theory? Fox-News Fox-News

Monday, June 24, 2013

Revealed -- The Mystery Of The Gigantic Storm On Saturn

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Revealed -- The Mystery Of The Gigantic Storm On Saturn

We now understand the nature of the giant storms on Saturn. Through the analysis of images sent from the Cassini space probe belonging to the North American and European space agencies (NASA and ESA respectively), as well as the computer models of the storms and the examination of the clouds therein, the Planetary Sciences Group of the University of the Basque Country has managed to explain the behaviour of these storms for the very first time. The article explaining the discovery, the lead author being Enrique García Melendo, researcher at the Fundació Observatori Esteve Duran – Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, of Catalonia, was published in Nature Geosciences. The Great White Spot of Saturn observed by the Cassini space probe orbiting the planet on the 26th of February 2011 and compared with the Earth in size.

Brazil UFO: Cover-up Underway

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Brazil UFO: Cover-up Underway

Read full story On June 17th, a man takes a break from rioting against his government to upload a YouTube video. "Whenever I hear this song, something strange happens. This time, I saw a UFO!!!" he types into the video description. He has no idea what a commotion he's about to make.

Nibiru's Approach Is Near Tyche Nemesis Planet X Brown Dwarf Star - Video

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Nibiru's Approach Is Near Tyche Nemesis Planet X Brown Dwarf Star - Video

Published on Jun 15, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

NASA | Supermoon 2013

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NASA | Supermoon 2013

Entertaining and informative video with Dr. Michelle Fowler of NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center, with information on the annual appearance tonight of the “Supermoon” and results being obtained by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft currently orbiting the Moon. Moonandback reports on spaceflight daily and our documentary project interviews \"the people who are making space happen\".

Celestial Events calendar 2013

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Celestial Events calendar 2013

Celestial Events calendar 2013 Sunday, June 23 Full Moon arrives at 7:32 a.m. EDT. Coincidentally, our satellite reaches perigee, the closest point in its orbit around Earth, just 20 minutes earlier. It then lies 221,824 miles (356,991 kilometers) away from us, its closest approach of the year.

The Universe as Youve Never Seen it Before: Photographer Creates Incredible Pictures of What it Would Look Like if Planets Were Closer

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The Universe as Youve Never Seen it Before: Photographer Creates Incredible Pictures of What it Would Look Like if Planets Were Closer

Former NASA art director Ron Miller created images of it would look like from Earth if planets replaced moon Astonishing images show Jupiter and Saturn would fill night sky while Mercury is only slightly bigger than moon An astronomical artist has created eye-opening illustrations imagining what the night sky would look like if the moon was replaced by the other planets in the solar system. Watch the video: The Universe as You've Never Seen it Before - What it Would Look Like if Planets Were Closer Massive: Saturn and its rings would cover almost 18 degrees of the night sky, according to Mr Miller's calculations Ron Miller, a former art director for NASA, used digital trickery to superimpose scale drawings of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune over the same landscape, highlighting the sheer size of the planets. The incredible drawings imagine each planet to be 233,812 miles from Earth - the same distance at which the moon orbits. Enormous planet Jupiter, around 11 times the size of Earth, would dominate the skies while Mars would appear to be around twice the size of the moon.

Found: Martian Cement Pavements and Building Material

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Found: Martian Cement Pavements and Building Material

Mars rover Curiosity’s Mast Camera took many images on Sol 309 and Sol 311 at Shaler (see notes 1, 2 ). The images contain numerous debris of building material and cement pavements. I hope some people can give it some thought. The cement pavements are not cross-bedding strata as claimed by NASA.

Moon through binoculars and cell phone camera

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Moon through binoculars and cell phone camera These pictures were taken through military binoculars IOR 7x40 and 8MP camera of HTC Sensation XE. There is not much, but for those who want to try this method, so showed the Moon. Device: HTC Sensation XEPhoto Mode: 3264x1840, 8 MPZoom: noFilter: noDate: 06/18/2013Location: Sai, Satu Mare, RomaniaEdit: FastStone ASTRONOMY TELESCOPE IMAGES WITH C8"-NEWTONIAN

Found: A Real Skull on Mars

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Found: A Real Skull on Mars

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity imaged a fossil skull at Shaler, Gale Crater on Sol 309: Location: Source of image: Read more at

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sun Produced Earth-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection On 20 June

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Sun Produced Earth-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection On 20 June

Lawrence LeBlond for - Your Universe Online As the world embraces for an upcoming supermoon, the sun is proving it will not be outdone as it produced another coronal mass ejection (CME) this week on June 20, 2013 at 11:24 p.m. Thursday’s CME was Earth-directed, potentially sending billions of tons of particles into space that may reach our neck of the woods as early as today. While these particles can cause disturbances in electrical components both in space around Earth and on the ground, they cannot pass through the atmosphere and harm humans. Typically, CMEs leave the sun at speeds between 500 and 750 miles per second.

Supermoon 2013 — Super Moon On June 22 And June 23, Saturday And Sunday Night

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Supermoon 2013 — Super Moon On June 22 And June 23, Saturday And Sunday Night

This post comes to us from For more along these lines, visit Planetsave or some of its most popular categories: Global Warming, Science, Going Green Tips, Animals, or 10 Friday Photos. The Supermoon is almost here — on Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23 2013 the Moon will appear larger in the night’s sky that at any other point until August 2014. The Super Moon will appear about 14% larger and 30% brighter than a more typical Full Moon does.
Image Credit: Supermoon via Flickr CC
The reason for the larger appearance is due to the Moon reaching its perigee — the portion of its orbit where it gets closer to the Earth than at any other time.


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UFOs Spotted In Somerset County, Pennsylvania And Bracknell, U.K. UFOs photographed in the U.K. and U.S. days apart have yet to be identified, which isn't to say that they might be from another planet.

Sun Emits Solstice CME

On June 20, 2013, at 11:24 p.m., the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection or CME, a solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of particles into space that can reach Earth one to three days later. These particles cannot travel through the atmosphere to harm humans on Earth, but they can affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground. Experimental NASA research models, based on observations from NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory and ESA/NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory show that the CME left the sun at speeds of around 1350 miles per second, which is a fast speed for CMEs. This image from June 20, 2013, at 11:15 p.m.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Jupiter Sized Object Discovered Next to the Sun

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Jupiter Sized Object Discovered Next to the Sun

A Spherical Object the Size of Jupiter Discovered Next to the Sun and imaged by Helioviewer June 17–18 COR1-B (2013-06-17 00:05:18 – 2013-06-17 23:45:18 UTC)This movie was produced by by Avalon June 21, 2013
A spherical object the size of Jupiter was detected and imaged by the viewer on June 17 through 18. The image comes into view and is clearly spherical and looks the size of Jupiter which is approximately 86,881 miles in diameter.
For many years there’s been speculation about the existence of a dark star that is the sister sun to our own sun – making our solar system a binary–star system. According to Wikipedia; It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of the star systems in the Milky Way are binary or multiple, with the remaining 2/3 consisting of single stars.[61] has an online viewer that can be programmed to view virtually any time you select. Images and movies can be created via the online interface.

Breaking News: Michael Hastings was murdered to cover up Nibiru!

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Breaking News: Michael Hastings was murdered to cover up Nibiru! ZetaTalk has revealed what happened to Hastings. Not an accident: It was murder, including a bomb. The Zetas of are the first (again!) to share the truth about yet another person killed due to the cover up of Planet X/Nibiru. Hastings was unlikely to give up researching the reality of Nibiru, and the incredibly selfish people who still do not want you to know Planet X is real had him killed.

Where Are All the Aliens?

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Where Are All the Aliens?

Consider this. The Universe is enormous. There are as many as four-hundred billion stars in our galaxy: the Milky Way. And there are more than one-hundred-and-seventy billion galaxies in the observable Universe.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How Did A Third Radiation Belt Appear In The Earth's Upper Atmosphere?

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How Did A Third Radiation Belt Appear In The Earth's Upper Atmosphere?

Since the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts in in the Earth's upper atmosphere in 1958, space scientists have believed that these belts consisted of two doughnut-shaped rings of highly charged particles — an inner ring of high-energy electrons and energetic positive ions, and an outer ring of high-energy electrons. Credit: NASA However, in February of this year, a team of scientists reported in the journal Science the surprising discovery of a previously unknown third radiation ring. This narrow ring had briefly circled the Earth between the inner and outer rings in September 2012 and then almost completely disappeared. How did this temporary radiation belt appear and dissipate?