Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nibiru & Apocalypse Signs: Bleeding Trees, Fishkills, Sinkholes, Red Water, More Evidence

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Nibiru & Apocalypse Signs: Bleeding Trees, Fishkills, Sinkholes, Red Water, More Evidence

Where are we today with regard to signs of the coming Apocalypse caused by Nibiru (Planet X) in the solar system? According to The Ezra-Apocalypse, signs of the approaching Apocalypse include bleeding trees, the sea casting forth its fish, and the stone (hail) uttering its voice. Add to the mix fish kills, animal dieoffs, and the earth opening (sinkholes and gigantic cracks), and it would seem we are well on our way. Slideshow/nibiru-planet-x-and-the-ezra-apocalypse?

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