Monday, June 24, 2013

Revealed -- The Mystery Of The Gigantic Storm On Saturn

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Revealed -- The Mystery Of The Gigantic Storm On Saturn

We now understand the nature of the giant storms on Saturn. Through the analysis of images sent from the Cassini space probe belonging to the North American and European space agencies (NASA and ESA respectively), as well as the computer models of the storms and the examination of the clouds therein, the Planetary Sciences Group of the University of the Basque Country has managed to explain the behaviour of these storms for the very first time. The article explaining the discovery, the lead author being Enrique García Melendo, researcher at the Fundació Observatori Esteve Duran – Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, of Catalonia, was published in Nature Geosciences. The Great White Spot of Saturn observed by the Cassini space probe orbiting the planet on the 26th of February 2011 and compared with the Earth in size.

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