Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Three ‘super-Earth’ planets discovered orbiting in habitable zone of nearby star

Before It's News | Popular Space

Three ‘super-Earth’ planets discovered orbiting in habitable zone of nearby star

n/a There is some exciting news today regarding exoplanets – for the first time, multiple planets have been found orbiting within the habitable zone of their star, the region where temperatures can allow liquid water to exist on planets with... n/a

NASA Has Discovered a Potentially Dangerous NEO 1,000 Feet (300 Meters) Wide Asteroid Named 2013 MZ5

The good news: NASA has discovered the 10,000th near-Earth object (NEO). The bad news: At least 100,000 are still out there. NEOs are asteroids and comets that approach Earth, coming within 28 million miles (45 million kilometers) of our planet during their orbit around the sun. The vast majority of these chunks of space rock and ice are harmless — they just fly right by, minding their own business, in well-defined, well-known orbits.

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