Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sun Produced Earth-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection On 20 June

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Sun Produced Earth-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection On 20 June

Lawrence LeBlond for - Your Universe Online As the world embraces for an upcoming supermoon, the sun is proving it will not be outdone as it produced another coronal mass ejection (CME) this week on June 20, 2013 at 11:24 p.m. Thursday’s CME was Earth-directed, potentially sending billions of tons of particles into space that may reach our neck of the woods as early as today. While these particles can cause disturbances in electrical components both in space around Earth and on the ground, they cannot pass through the atmosphere and harm humans. Typically, CMEs leave the sun at speeds between 500 and 750 miles per second.

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