Saturday, June 22, 2013

Supermoon 2013 — Super Moon On June 22 And June 23, Saturday And Sunday Night

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Supermoon 2013 — Super Moon On June 22 And June 23, Saturday And Sunday Night

This post comes to us from For more along these lines, visit Planetsave or some of its most popular categories: Global Warming, Science, Going Green Tips, Animals, or 10 Friday Photos. The Supermoon is almost here — on Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23 2013 the Moon will appear larger in the night’s sky that at any other point until August 2014. The Super Moon will appear about 14% larger and 30% brighter than a more typical Full Moon does.
Image Credit: Supermoon via Flickr CC
The reason for the larger appearance is due to the Moon reaching its perigee — the portion of its orbit where it gets closer to the Earth than at any other time.

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